Sunday, October 11, 2009

90s29 The Heart of the School

I have always said that a school could operate a long time without a principal but hardly a minute without a secretary. Over the years I have been very fortunate to work with some great ones. The ones I worked with as a teacher were always competitent and very helpful. I had two secretaries at Mediapolis and they were terrific!

Secretaries are the first person people meet when they come into the building. They greet students and tend to their health needs and just about everything else. They serve the teachers and are often pulled ten directions at one time. They answer the phone, deal with angry parents in person and on the phone, and assist inept principals. They seem to weather it all with a smile. I have seen them nurture a sick child as if they were their own, handle a difficult parent, hand out medication, and answer the phone without skipping a beat. Their gentleness has brought tears to my eyes more than once.

When I came to Longfellow I had a terrific secretary who assisted in my transition to the district and community in many ways. I couldn’t imagine functioning without her skilled assistance, but the unthinkable happened as this journal entry documents.

Friday, August 29, 1997
… Chris, my secretary, also told me that she would be leaving in two weeks. That was devastating! She has been here since before I came and has been tremendously helpful to me and the students, staff, and families. We will terribly miss her! …

I was devastated when I wrote the above entry! I couldn’t imagine how I could ever find someone as competent as Chris and yet had that special compassion for kids. Besides that I knew I would have to do many of the things the secretary did until we found someone.

Monday, September 15, 1997
Today is our first day without Chris and one of the office associates is gone this morning, too. Everything is going Ok, but I'm sure it will probably not always be that way. I am looking at some more possible candidates for the secretarial position. I hope to interview soon and hire as soon as possible. Just having someone will make me feel a lot better…

My anxiety wasn’t any less when I wrote the above entry. We interviewed six candidates shortly after I wrote this. I had interviewed nine by myself first and then invited six back for staff interviews. We selected Julie Willman and she started on September 22. A day I always remember because I felt I had been rescued from all kinds of agony. I didn’t write about it in my journal until about 10 days later.

Thursday, October 2, 1997
…We have hired a new secretary and she is working out great! … I managed to complete the reports I needed to do in September and now I am turning a lot of that stuff over to Julie, the new secretary…

I learned quickly that Julie had all of the things I was looking for in a great secretary. I couldn’t have been happier!

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