Monday, March 01, 2010

90s48 Distractions

Sometimes I think we got what we asked for. We wanted more government support for education. We got it but along with it came more rules and regulations. We wanted more parent involvement in their children’s education. We got it and along with it came more parents second-guessing and questioning.

Hours are spent responding to government rules and parent interactions. Much of that time could be better spent actually preparing to work and working with students.

Parent interaction is important. We should be partners in the education of all children. Some of the required paperwork is good. Our decisions should be data driven. But, when parents and government requirements occupy large percentages of your time, it is not productive.

Tuesday, November 30, 1999 – I have done 4 or 5 evaluations so far and have about that many more to do in the first round. I hope to have them done soon. I got a rather long email from an upset parent yesterday outlining his frustration with the staff and me. I wrote him a response but doubt that it will satisfy him. I also CCed the letter and my response to our acting Assistant Superintendent. The Central Office has been silent on this. I think because this person is prominent in the community. We are kind of out on a limb here. I hope no one cuts it off. I have noticed the pre-holiday stress level of parents and staff going up lately. It seems to be this way every year.

Friday, December 3, 1999 – I am looking forward to deer hunting tomorrow. It is rainy today so I hope it doesn’t rain tomorrow. I have heard we may get snow on Sunday. That wouldn’t hurt. All is quiet at school today.

Wednesday, December 8, 1999 – I have heard many more complaints from parents about the way one parent does things and how rude he/she is to them. They have also said this person is back on the issue of the meeting last spring and the perception of how I treated him/her. This person is still trying to get parents and staff members to take their side on the issue. It is making a lot of people very uncomfortable. He/She just can’t seem to move on. I’m sure we will have to deal with this for a long time. Many parents have told me they are not involved with PTA because of this person. Too bad! We need their support and I hate to see one person driving people away. This person clearly wants to control everything they can and is frustrated that I won’t let that happen.

We have a meeting about a difficult student on Thursday. I hope it goes better than the last one. The parents are so angry with us and the people at Child Psych. have not helped. We do really want to do what is best for the child but the parents are not able to look at the issues objectively. Hopefully we can work through this? This time of the year is always stressful for staff and parents. Me, too, sometimes. I’ll be glad when winter break is here. I do plan to work over the break to get some work done.

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