Sunday, October 25, 2009

90s31 Principal’s Journal

I don’t think the general public has any idea of the challenges educators face routinely. In my tenure at Longfellow we dealt with almost every conceivable problem you can imagine.

Wednesday, October 15, 1997
It continues to be a wild year! We have now discovered that one of our ESL families doesn't have the right visa to attend school in the U. S. I had to meet with them and tell them that Friday would be their last day. That wasn't fun! The younger child has been quite a challenge so there is some relief that we won't have to deal with him although we really feel that he needs to be here in school. I checked the sex abuse registry on a parent and found that he was on it and is now living in the home after returning from prison. That is very frightening! Hopefully nothing will happen. Still searching for an SCI teacher we advertised again and I'm going to go over and look to see if there are any applications this afternoon. The district's Strategy 2 committee has come up with some options that the board can consider when trying to find ways to cut 1 million from the budget. It could become very heated and is headed that way already. Had the flu or something the last couple of days but am feeling better now. I hate being sick!

Having good staff is critical to the success of any school. I was blessed with good teachers and a strong support team while I was there.

Friday, November 14, 1997
Things have improved dramatically. We hired an SCI teacher who will start in December. Yeah!!!

Monday, November 17, 1997
Julie is doing a great job as secretary and is bringing more stability to the building with each new day. It is amazing the difference that she makes. We still have some troublesome students, but are making progress on those problems.

Monday, November 24, 1997
We have a short week this week because of Thanksgiving. I'm looking forward to the break and the turkey. Things here seem to be getting better and better! I am really encouraged and relieved.

Monday, January 5, 1998
Back at it after winter break. Everything has been pretty quiet today. Hopefully 1998 will be quieter and calmer than the last part of 1997 was. We are going to be hiring another associate to work in the resource room . That will help out with the load there and give me another person for supervision during recess times.

It seems that every few years we have to tighten our belt in education. That is never a bad idea but when you are already a bare bones operation it’s hard to cut without getting some meat. I truly believe that if we could ever adequately fund education we would solve a host of problems!

Friday, January 30, 1998
There is still a great deal of turmoil in the district regarding budget cuts. The board will have to make some difficult decisions soon. I am hopeful that the state legislature will improve education funding which will in turn help us out. You can never count on that to happen, however. Things are going pretty well here at Longfellow. We still have some problems with student behavior and lack of parent support. We are working on strategies to better deal with that.


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